August Lunch & Learn with Danielle Garrett, PlanIt Travel Designs

by Audra Anders for The Aha! Connection

I’ve known and adored Danielle Garrett for many years.  It was so fun to introduce her (in person-finally) to Peggy earlier this week at Novo Cucina.  Now I get to introduce her to you!  You’ll recognize her name from the many Travel Talk articles she’s written for us over the years but today I get to tell you all about her! … Read More »

Dunwoody’s New Burger King Sizzle is Open (& giving away free Whopper sandwiches for a year!)

The Dunwoody Burger King Sizzle is now open!   You may have noticed that they tore down and rebuilt this location and it looks great!    The store is now open to the public and they are hosting a giveaway for guests to win free Whopper sandwiches for a year through Saturday.   Head over there quickly and check it out….and… Read More »

July Lunch and Learn with Lisa Torres: Messages of Joy, Inspiration, and what it really means to be a good neighbor!

by Audra H. Anders and Peggy Smith for The Aha! Connection

At our June Lunch & Learn when I dined with Matt Weber, he suggested that I should interview Lisa Torres for an upcoming edition.  He immediately introduced us via email and Peggy and I had lunch with the amazing Lisa Torres last Friday!

Food details first then more about our delightful conversation with Lisa.… Read More »

June Lunch & Learn with Matt Weber….Realtor, Parade Co-Chair, Podcaster, Coach, Soccer Player, Forum Host, Father, Husband and more!

by Audra H. Anders for The Aha! Connection

Matt Weber and I had lunch at J. Alexander’s earlier this week. First I’ll tell you about our food and then I’ll introduce you to Matt, although my guess is most of you already know him!

The restaurant wasn’t very crowded at all so our servers were very attentive. … Read More »

May Lunch & Learn with Aha’s Style Editor ~ We are finally going to tell you who she really is!

by Audra H. Anders and Peggy Smith for The Aha! Connection

I rode by Oaxaca in Chamblee and knew it would be the next lunch and learn location.  It is beautiful, has indoor/outdoor seating, is so close to Dunwoody and my favorite food is Mexican food!  Oaxaca is located at 5255 Peachtree Blvd,
Suite 105 on the bottom floor of one of the new Chamblee apartment complexes. … Read More »

April Lunch & Learn with Billy Grogan and Mike Carlson, Dunwoody Police Chiefs

by Audra H. Anders and Peggy Smith for The Aha! Connection

Last week we treated the incoming and outgoing Dunwoody Police Chiefs to lunch at Joey D’s Oak Room.  The hostess informed us that Chief Grogan is a regular and she was thrilled to see him and to hug his neck!  The restaurant was packed at 11:30 on a rainy Tuesday. … Read More »

March Lunch & Learn with Alan Mothner – Culinary Dropout & Spruill Center for the Arts

by Audra H. Anders and Peggy Smith for The Aha! Connection

Our most recent Lunch and Learn was last week with Alan Mothner, the CEO of Spruill Center for the Arts.  I’ve known Alan for over 20 years and it was fun to catch up on a gorgeous sunny day at an outdoor table in the newest Ashford Lane restaurant: Culinary Dropout

We shared three delicious appetizers…Gochujang Brussel Sprouts, Marcona Almonds,  & Marinated Olives.  … Read More »

February Aha! Lunch & Learn with Tom Bass & Jake Hill

by Audra H. Anders for The Aha! Connection

Peggy and I invited Coach Bass and Coach Hill to lunch at North Italia on Tuesday.  Both men have coached my sons over the years so I’ve known them for awhile but I wanted to introduce them to Peggy since her oldest will be attending DHS as a 9th grader next year.  … Read More »

January Aha! Lunch & Learn with Mayor Lynn Deutsch at Seasons 52

by Audra Anders for The Aha! Connection

We kicked off our new 2024 Monthly Lunch and Learn series with Mayor Lynn Deutsch at Seasons 52 Perimeter.  Thanks to our lovely Mayor for taking time out of her crazy schedule to dine with us!  First let’s talk about the food….

Obviously we chose to eat in Dunwoody! … Read More »

Fitness Together: Get What You Really Want!

by Russ Yeager for Fitness Together:

Recipes from Russ:
Fennel, Celery and Green Apple Slaw
Lemon Quinoa Salad
Protein Power Balls
Guilt-Free Tuna Salad
Healthy Chicken Fajitas

Shortcuts to Make it Easier

Yes, making big changes in your body takes sacrifice and delayed gratification. And, yes, this is hard and is why most people give up and never achieve their goals.… Read More »

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Foodie Gift Guide

by Audra H. Anders and Peggy Smith for The Aha! Connection 2023 Holiday Gift Guide

Monkkino Lemon Squeezer, Lemon Squeezer Juicer, Citrus Juicer Handheld, Lemon Juicer, Stainless Steel Juicer Hand Press, Lime Squeezer Bar Tool, Manual Citrus Press, Lime Juicer w/Zester, 2 pcsHubby suggested I get an extra one of these since we use it so often!… Read More »

Recipe Ideas for Thanksgiving 2023

by Audra H Anders for The Aha! Connection

We are spending Thanksgiving with my Hurston side of the family in Atlanta this year.   My mom and I divvied out the cooking responsibilities amongst the family chefs and my Aunt Tommie is hosting a crew of 14 plus Ozzie.

We’ve ordered smoked Turkey and Brisket from local BBQ spots…I’d share but neither are accepting last minute  orders this week.… Read More »

Audra’s Homegrown Tomatoes + Gazpacho Recipe

by Audra H. Anders for The Aha! Connection

I am so excited about my tomato crop this year.   I’ve never had such a bountiful tomato harvest!  I finally realized growing tomatoes in pots is MUCH more difficult than planting them straight into the ground.   In all my previous years of trying to grow tomatoes, I would get one or two from each pot and found myself watering the pots multiple times per day because they were so thirsty the pots kept drying out.  … Read More »