Can you help a Japanese exchange student stay in Dunwoody?

“AFS Intercultural Exchange looking for 10 month host family for male Japanese student at Dunwoody HS.  Soto is a scholarship winner from Japan, plays tennis and has a good sense of humor.  He is allergic to cats and eggs.  If interested, please contact Ruth Blackstock at 404.406.2917 or email  For more information on hosting with AFS, please go to, and fill out a hosting inquiry form!”

click here for bio regarding Soto

Additional note from Corina Wagner:

We are still trying to find a permanent family for Soto to transfer to. He is currently staying with a wonderful welcome family in Dunwoody, but the host mother is Japanese, which gives Soto too much access to his home culture. For a true intercultural exchange, he needs to be immersed into American culture and language. The welcome family has also indicated that they would like for him to transfer at the end of this week as they have a lot of upcoming travel plans. Since Soto is already in Dunwoody and loves the school and community, we would like to keep him there if possible.