Brookhaven Duck Duck Goose 5K to benefit Murphey Candler Park Conservancy

Murphey Candler Park Conservancy (MCPC) hosts the second annual Duck Duck Goose 5K and new Duck Duck Food Truck events to benefit Murphey Candler Park on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and 24.

Despite freezing temperatures, the inaugural 2014 Duck Duck Goose 5K exceeded typical first-race registration averages. Over 400 registrants braved the icy 25 degree morning to race the beautiful lakeside trails and challenging neighborhood hills. Elite junior triathlete Darr Smith Jr. holds the course record. However, it is not necessary to be an elite runner to enjoy this course. Babies in strollers and leashed dogs came out to run in last year’s Duck Duck Goose 5K.

To avoid harsh November temps, MCPC moved the 2015 Duck Duck Goose 5K up almost one month to Oct. 24 this year. The MCPC predicts this date will attract more racers not only because the event will be warmer but also because UGA Football has an open weekend.

Already the Montgomery Elementary Run Club has pledged its park support by enlisting over 190 runners and 40 coaches.

People looking for a great October event should join friends and support the Duck Duck Goose 5K and Murphey Candler Park by running, walking or volunteering.

A new community social, Duck Duck Food Truck, kicks off the fun Friday, Oct. 23 at 5 p.m. Murphey Candler Park’s very own Trey Boyer Band will provide live music previously heard at the 2015 Atlanta Colt Youth Association opening ceremonies. Food trucks and Sweetwater Brewing Company (event sponsor) will gather in the West Nancy Creek and Candler Lake West parking lot. This will be the first food truck event hosted in MCP.

The 2015 Duck Duck Goose 5K begins at 9 a.m., Oct. 23. Registration is available through until Oct. 21. Those not interested in running can register as a phantom runner to support the conservancy and receive an event T-shirt. Visit for paper registration and more information.

All Duck Duck Goose 5K proceeds benefit the Murphey Candler Park Conservancy and its efforts to support the park. The MCPC is a volunteer, nonprofit stakeholder, community voice and project fund source.