Book of the Week: The Giver by Lois Lowry (I have one copy to give away!)

Update:  The winner is Sheila Cope

The Giver is required reading for my Peachtree Charter Middle School 7th Grader.   I love to read so much that I usually read my children’s required summer reading too.  It drives them nuts in some ways because I read so much faster than they do but they also like it because I can have a mini book club type discussion with them.   I’m sure I like this whole idea better than they do but I digress…..

I ended up with an extra hard cover copy so I’m giving it away and will let my CEO of prizes (my 7th grader) choose the winner next week!

My quick review:  Fast read, thought provoking subject, strange open-ended ending, apparently somewhat controversial, Newberry Winner….read it for yourself and decide what you think!  (Comments are welcome on this post!!)

If you don’t win and still need a copy for your required reading just click the link above and order a $4 paperback from Amazon!!!

Here’s how to win a copy of the book:

  1. Enter a comment on this post explaining that you are an Aha! Subscriber and why you want to win! (We will verify you are an Aha! email Subscriber)
  2. The winner will be contacted next Friday.


3 thoughts on “Book of the Week: The Giver by Lois Lowry (I have one copy to give away!)

  1. I am a new subscriber–was just introduced to the site by a friend in June. The book sounds like a good one to send to my son in Afghanistan. A quick read is good for army guys and will get passed around. An open ending might encourage discussion, too.

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