I’m from Alabama and one of my Mom’s best friends from back home is Betty Carroll. Betty’s husband (a retired Pediatric Dentist from Auburn) wrote this book and he gave me a copy a few weeks ago. I’m always a little hesitant to read books written by friends because I’m afraid I won’t like them and won’t know what to say. However, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book. It is set in small town Alabama back in the 1960s not too long before I was born so I enjoyed the familiar setting. It is also written from a teenage boy’s perspective and I have two of those living with me right now! I will say I’d be mortified if my boys got involved with drama and drugs like the main character, Burt and his friends! I’m also an avid fan of CSI and other murder mystery type television shows and the plot of Toker’s Blood reminded me of those type shows and kept me guessing (almost) to the very end. I’ve been reading a lot of “young adult” genre books and I think this book would fit right in that category. It’s a very short book…only took me a few hours to finish it…definitely worth my time!