Book of the Week: Go Set a Watchman

Go Set a Watchman: A Novel

by Harper Lee

To say that this book is a HOT PICK would be an understatement!  The author’s first and only other published book, To Kill a Mockingbird, was published in 1960 and went on to win a Pulitzer Prize.  I finally read it in 2013 when my then 8th grader was reading it for school.  I loved it (click here for my review)

Apparently the author wrote Go Set a Watchman PRIOR to To Kill a Mockingbird and was persuaded by her editor to write a novel from the point of view of the young Scout.  She was a first-time writer and is quoted as saying “I did as I was told.”

Apparently the manuscript for Go Set a Watchman was lost until 2014 and discovered by Lee’s lawyer affixed to an original typescript of  To Kill a Mockingbird

Lee’s “new” book was FINALLY released on Tuesday but I pre-ordered  Go Set a Watchman on Amazon MONTHS ago and it is now housed inside my Kindle ready for me to read it!  I’m putting all other reading on hold and starting it today!

The Harper Lee Collection: To Kill a Mockingbird + Go Set a Watchman (Dual Slipcased Edition)

by Harper Lee