Book of the Week: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Book of the Week
Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Our Price: $3.98

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This is our next Meadowlake Book Club pick.  I read it in 2013 and really enjoyed it.   It received 4/5 stars on Amazon and a 3.68/5 on Goodreads.  Beautiful Ruins is the story of an almost-love affair that begins on the Italian coast in 1962…and is rekindled in Hollywood fifty years later.

I have a brand new paperback copy that I’m giving away to one lucky Aha! Connection subscriber.   If you’d like to win, just leave a comment on our website and our CEO of prizes will pick a winner Friday!


16 thoughts on “Book of the Week: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

  1. I would love to win this book…it just so happens it is the book of the month for the book club I’m in. ;0)

  2. I would love this book! I’ve recently started back to reading after several months of not being able to because of a family tragedy. Now that I’m getting past the worst of my grief, I can concentrate on my reading again.

  3. I would love to read Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. I love the idea of this almost love affair. Thank you in advance if I win. I appreciate it.

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