Book of the Week: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

Book of the Week
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

by Marie Kondo
Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2014-10-14

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My neighbor, Liz, chose this book for our December Meadowlake Book Club.  I read the title, balked and decided not to read it.  However, soon after giving up on the title,  I sat next to my friend Mary at the Young Life Banquet and she mentioned to me that her husband recently read the book on a long flight.  Then she proceeded to say: “You should see his sock drawer!”

Huh, his sock drawer?  So I leaned over and asked Doug about it and he just laughed and told me it was a very interesting concept and that I ought to read it.

Okay…so I read it. (Thank you Doug Altman)  It THOROUGHLY entertained me.  Last Wednesday night our book club hooted and hollered all night talking about kooky Marie Kondo and whether or not every article in our closets “sparks joy” and how we would have murdered her if we had to grow up with her as a sibling.

However, we all admitted that we did a fair amount of tidying after reading the book.  I personally purged more than 20 hefty bags full of clothing and am not finished yet.  Others even went so far as to say they really do feel that the Konmari method was “life-changing”.

If you decide to read this book then you’ll want this list (compiled by sweet Liz) of  good places to donate your items that no longer “spark joy”.

This book is wildly popular, a huge best seller, about to be made into a television show etc.   I grabbed an extra copy to give away so add a comment to let me know why you’d like to win this book and I’ll pick a lucky winner on Friday!   Meanwhile I need to go work on my sock drawer.

30 thoughts on “Book of the Week: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

  1. If tidying up my house, especially my sock drawer, has the power to change my life, I want that book!

  2. This is the book we were giggling about one night at dinner when someone mentioned physical objects bringing “joy”! I can’t wait to read the book!

  3. I have watched the videos and would love to learn more! :). Bring on the advice for socks, closets and paperwork! My house could use some joy…..

  4. I have successfully filled every closet and drawer in the house. Let’s not even mention the basement (aka the black hole). I need help.

  5. Your review of this book alone makes me want to declutter my closets! I love a good book too!

  6. Holiday company has inspired me to purge – feels good. I would love to feel great – sounds like this book can help me go the extra mile in purging.

  7. This sounds like cleansing and organizing for the soul! I need that, and 20 hefty bags of unused clothing out the door also!

  8. I bought this book last week and now can’t find it in all the “stuff” !!
    I seriously need help.

  9. I soooo need this booK! Someone at work actually told me about it, and I decided I didn’t need it simply because it would be one more thing that I need to find a place for, since all the places it should go are already flooding over with other junk :-)!

  10. If you could see my home, you would not just give me the book but may be compelled to read it to me as well. Or think I’m beyond help.

  11. Omg. I need this book terribly. I have read about the book and am trying to say thank you and good bye to extra clutter but I think I have a latent hoarder gene. Please pick me! And then come over to help me out!!

  12. I absolutely knew which book you were going to mention before I even opened the email simply by you subject, “Can the book of the week magically change YOUR life? ” Well, I’ve heard about this book, but haven’t read it. I want someone to magically change my cluttered life! I want to win the book and then have you come clean 20 bags of clothes out of MY closet. Proud of you… way to go!!

  13. I just heard that our book club will be reading this for January! I would love a copy and I promise I would pass it along after it sparks joy in my sock drawer. Thank you for the fun giveaways!

  14. I need some inspiration to de clutter and this book would do the trick! I watched a small clip of her show and now want to read her book!

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