Audra’s Notes from the Improving Public Education in Dunwoody Forum

I took lots of notes but know that y’all will probably appreciate the “cliff notes”.  Remember I’m not a reporter…just a local mom who wants our public schools to be great and to keep our community connected!   My husband has been in Snellville all day at a baseball tournament and asked me for the highlights of the meeting and this is what I told him over the phone:

As for the content of the meeting….I’ll try to be brief but the meeting lasted 1.5 hours.

The name of the group that organized the event is called:  The Dunwoody Parents Concerned about Quality Education, Inc.   The founding members are:  

  • Deb Cameron
  • Gil Hearn
  • Allegra Johnson
  • Donna Cannady Nall
  • Rick Otness
  • Heyward Wescott
  • Robert Wittenstein

They welcome your help, future participation and feedback.   They have a website,    A Facebook event page,   and you can email them at or Click here to join the google plus group

One option discussed centered around the fact that Tom Taylor has introduced HR 486.    This would allow for Georgia Municipalities, created on or after January 1, 2005,  to establish independent school systems.  

Terry Nall, Dunwoody City Councilman, discussed how the current situation with DeKalb County School system negatively affects economic development in GA and our Dunwoody property values.    He mentioned that the Dunwoody City Council is investigating what is involved with a feasibility study and impact study needed for HR 486.   Questions still remain about the cost and who would pay for this but the City Council is investigating.

Deb Cameron spoke about the formation of the Dunwoody Parents Concerned about Quality Education, Inc. a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Donations are welcome.   Quote from a member of the committee:  “It is cheaper to donate than pay private school tuition!”

Robert Wittenstein spoke about the next steps which are:  a feasibility study and more public forums for input.

Heyward Wescott facilitated an organized Q&A session.

There were many questions and also many audience members simply wanted to make a statement.   Many are concerned with what to do in the short term about getting the accreditation problem resolved.   The Dunwoody Parents Concerned about Quality Education, Inc are exploring options for getting another organization to accredit our schools.   Fran Millar also mentioned that Governor Deal is very involved and is listening to our concerns and will do everything possible to make sure the kids in DeKalb County do not suffer due to an accreditation problem that is the result of governance and NOT any fault of the kids.

Peachtree Charter Middle School Social Studies teacher Ingrid Gero was given the microphone during the Q&A time and basically said….She is overwhelmed with the amount of parents in attendance at this  meeting.  She said teachers are feeling down. We give her hope. She thanked us for being there.    (Note from Audra – I tell people all the time that if DeKalb County had more teachers like Ingrid Gero,  then we’d be the best school system in the world!  She is an incredible teacher and I’m thankful that she taught one of my boys!)

A mom who lives in Whitehall  and a teacher from Montgomery Elementary both spoke up and are concerned that the teachers are going to flee the system in search of better pay and more stability.  DeKalb teachers are having to get 2nd jobs and have gotten pay cuts several years in a row.  A teacher said that she is so thankful for the area parents who take the time to be thankful.  She said “Thank you means more than a paycheck. Help the morale.  Tell teachers to stay and hang in there.”

Page Olson encouraged parents to get involved in your kids schools.  She encouraged people to run for office in PTA, PTSO, School Council, be in the know…be part of the change.

We were told that Michael Thurmond couldn’t make the Dunwoody Home Owner’s Association meeting tonight but will likely be rescheduled for next week.

Final words of wisdom from the host group:  “Be proactive, not reactive.”

6 thoughts on “Audra’s Notes from the Improving Public Education in Dunwoody Forum

  1. Thanks so much for being there taking notes and constantly keeping us informed.
    I was at work today and hated missing this meeting but we were busting at the seams with new moms and babies this weekend. ?

    I couldn’t agree more about Ms Gero- My daughter (and I) love her. I am very grateful to be in this community and thanks you for getting me up to speed so I can hop on the volunteer train.
    Have a good night.

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