Gosh, I can’t believe that the last time I wrote a fitness blog entry was January! I’m still working out twice per week at UFC Gym with my trainer, Denise, and LOVING it! My extra pounds are coming off more slowly than I’d like because I feel the need to try every restaurant Lauren recommends….but I’m getting stronger and feeling great! Recently my workout partner, Beth, has started her own personal training business and doesn’t have as much time to work out with me at UFC, so my sons have stepped in and are taking turns working out with their Mom. Interestingly enough, neither of them grumbled at all when I suggested they come with me. Denise does a great job planning our workouts so that we do the same exercises but the weights are modified because my boys are so much stronger than me. I can hang with them…just with lighter weights… My oldest and I did a boxing workout together last week (not on each other, but on the bags) and we were both happily exhausted afterwards and laughing at the very idea that we were BOXING together. I think those with parenting experience understand that the older and more independent your kids get, the less time you spend together. So…I’ll do anything (including sitting down and getting them to show me how to play Fortnite) to spend time with my 19 and 16 year old boys. Let me tell you – boxing and exercising together is so much more fun than learning to play Fortnite. I highly recommend taking an exercise class with your teenagers. Plus, I love it when they admit that my workouts are tough and they are proud of me for staying in shape.
Precious moments with your sons!!! Love it and I’m also proud of you!!!