Note from Audra: Beth Dubsky has turned out to be the PERFECT fitness partner! Plus, she agreed to write a few blog entries for me so you can get her perspective on our experience!
Beth’s Fitness Blog Entry #1
“I am not a gym person.” This is what I used to tell people when they asked me where I worked out. I was an anti-gym snob. “I can get a great workout at home!”, I told myself. My husband has always worked out in a gym. My daughters, 20 & 18 years old, also work out in a gym. Whenever they asked me to join them, I would smirk and say, “uh, no thanks. I don’t do gyms.” I would rather have been by myself, doing my own thing. I was happy! I used my weights in the basement and walked in the neighborhood. And then Audra asked me if I would be interested in joining her for some training at UFC twice a week. I mean, how do you say “no” to Audra?? She has been one of my favorite people since I moved into our neighborhood ten years ago. So, I said “yes”. I really had no idea what I was agreeing to. I had never worked out with a trainer before. And I had never worked out with a friend before.
“I’m going to the gym!” This is what I say now and have been saying for the past 8 months. Working out with Audra and Jose has changed my life. No, seriously. I thought I was doing a good job when I exercised at home, but here is the truth: I will NEVER make myself work out as hard as those two make me work out. Having a trainer, someone who tells me what to do and how to do it, is infinitely more enjoyable than having to come up with a workout routine on my own. I love going to our sessions and wondering, “what is Jose going to have us do today?”, and having a buddy to work out with is just so much fun! I miss the days when we can’t work out together. So, you can imagine how I felt when Audra told me back in May that we would have to TAKE THE SUMMER OFF! For travel baseball!! “What?? No!! Who cares about travel baseball?? Isn’t Troy driving now?? He can travel himself!” But Audra is a more responsible mom, and I am pretty sure that she likes watching her kids play baseball. Ugh. So, instead of crying and begging her to abandon her kids for me, I decided to be a big girl and take classes! And my daughters both belonged to UFC as well. I could make them go with me. It would be fun! I would still have the benefit of having a trainer set up the workout routine for me, and I would not be alone. So, stay tuned to learn more about that because Audra asked me to write a few blogs for her, and I just couldn’t say no….