Attempted Robbery in Dunwoody Club Forest


Arrest!!  Click here for story including photos

Original Story:

Submitted by Sabrina M.

Just wanted to pass this along.  My boys were at home today when a White Male, blond hair wearing a “Legally Electric” blue t-shirt rang the doorbell.  They did not answer (they were upstairs playing Xbox) the man rang the doorbell about 10 times and walked around to the back.  He opend our back gate and came into the house through the back door.  It was unlocked because the boys were home.  My boys heard the door open and yelled out “Hello” he then ran out the door leaving it open and broke the fence gate when he jumped or ran through it.  He was driving a Blue PT Cruiser.  We called the Dunwoody Police and they came over.  The boys are 15 and 13 so they were not scared but I Thank God they were home, we had a total of 4 laptops sitting in the kitchen – where he came in.  We had a german shepard/chow mix dog inside the house that was barking but that did not scare the man off (that really bothered me).  Feel free to share this because I know of one other person who saw a man fitting this description in your neighborhood last week.  We live in Dunwoody Club Forest in the back on Hallford Court.

18 thoughts on “Attempted Robbery in Dunwoody Club Forest

  1. Submitted by Rosemary G.
    Thanks so much for this email.

    I don’t know if you have had others tell you about this but I had a guy come to my door yesterday selling educational software. He had on a ID badge and was very friendly. I didn’t buy anything from him but I did give him 2 bottles of water cause he was dripping in sweat and looked like he was about to melt! As I was giving him the water he was asking a lot of questions about the neighbours and if they have kids etc etc and if they are home during the day. I didn’t say a lot and pretended I didn’t know most of them. Was wondering if anyone else has had this guy come to the door?

  2. Re: the attempted break-in in DCF submitted by Sabrina M —

    Two nights ago, about 9:15 pm, a young blonde guy came to our front door (we live on Stapleton Drive in DCF) and rang the doorbell. My husband was not home; I was there with the kids, and already in my pj’s. I cracked the front door and asked him what he wanted. He started to say something about software and I told him it was way too late to be ringing peoples’ doorbells. He persisted in trying to talk, and I firmly told him no thank you and closed and locked the door. (Went around and locked ALL the doors and set the alarm, too).

    I had seen your earlier post, Audra, and should have called the police, but of course I didn’t.

    I don’t have any idea if it was the same guy; maybe Sabrina’s sons could provide some feedback — he was blonde, slender, quite young. He was carrying a clipboard or notebook of some kind. Could it have been the same guy that came to your door? Did any of the others who responded to your original post provide similar descriptions?

    Kim B.

  3. Audra,

    I saw this man today at about 3 in front of my house and I called 2 neighbors to tell them, I told them that I had seen him riding around a few days ago and since I saw him again, I told them we should get his tag. Scary! LA

  4. That same guy was also at our door. I told him I wasn’t interested in what he was selling closed and locked the door. I walked into the kitchen and when I went back out he had disappeared so fast. He just look odd. Glad the McDonald’s boys are good.

    Elaine K

  5. Does anyone know about how old this male was? I had a blonde, white solicitor stop by my house in Village Mill. He had on an official looking badge. I was holding my boxer and told him I wasn’t interested. This was a young kid, I would say 18 or 19. Just curious if it was the same person. Julie S.

    Audra’s Answer: Everyone describing him to me says the guy they saw is from 18-25 years old. The guy who came to my house looked to be in that same age range and was also blonde and dripping with perspiration.

  6. Same man was in our area last week. He was snooping in our area asking me if I would sell my head board from the garage I said no. He was in blue truck

    S. Grover

    Jett Ferry Road

  7. We also had a young guy, dressed very preppy come to our door on Saturday night after dark my daughter(23 yrs. old) and son’s both saw him. They did not answer the door because our porch light was not on and it was dark. He is not the same man that broke into our house yesterday. My boys saw both guys and one is very young selling something – he had a clipboard in his hand. Yesterday the man that came into our home was older, possibly in his 30’s with blonde hair and a beard. So there are 2 different men that have approached our home this week. I hope they are not working together but you never know.

    P.S. – last night the police left we discovered the man had also taken off a screen from an open window in our sunroom and climbed through it try to get into the house where the door was locked but then discovered that the back door was not locked so he was definitely determine to get into our home because he thought no one was home.

  8. Hello,
    We live on Trailridge Way, Dunwoody West. I answered the door Monday or Tuesday evening to a white male, blond hair, in his 20’s, hawking pest control services. He was dressed well, with a golf shirt, but dripping in sweat. At first, he was a disarming sort of kid. But you never, ever know these days. He asked about our neighbors as well, and I told him, no. Funny: he asked me to fill his water bottle. So I did. Anybody else see this 20-year-old?

  9. Sounds like the same guy and he has been seen selling magazines, software, and now pest control service. The police have been contacted so hopefully they’ll find him.

  10. Hello,
    I don’t want to cause any undue irritation with anyone but I do want to say that this young man is a real salesperson. He works for the Southwestern Company ( They hire college aged students in the summer to sell educational books and software. This company has been around forever. Actually, my husband sold these materials one summer during school and highly enjoyed the experience, along with making a good deal of money for a college student. I agree 9:15 seems a little late for ringing someone’s doorbell but I think they are allowed (per company policy) to ring the last doorbell at 9:30 in the summer as it’s still light out. (Too late for me I agree):)
    He does carry a badge from his company as well as a permit from the City of Dunwoody to do business door-to-door. He truely is interested in households with children,only because he wants to sell to the appropriate clientele.
    I hope you can have some patience and understanding when it comes to this young man and what he is trying to do during his summer away from his family and friends.
    The books are really great tools for your kids and I highly recommend buying one or two! We got some and so did our good friends who live in Roswell!
    Thanks everyone 🙂
    I live in Dunwoody Club Forest West by the way and my husband works from home so he had the time to get to know this young guy (of course he doesn’t remember his name because he isn’t good with names but thinks it’s Drew!)

  11. OH… and just wanted to also say….I’m sure it’s a different guy than the one who has actually broken into the house that got broken in to. That’s scary!! Glad everyone is OK!

  12. Good Afternoon,

    The Dunwoody Police Department is currently investigating two separate burglaries that are occurring by two different individuals. I want to pass along the suspect’s information in an attempt to keep a watchful eye out to preserve our community and apprehend these subjects.

    The first BOLO is for a blue Chrysler PT Cruiser occupied by a white male with a blond beard. This suspect is described as looking like a “blond version of Zac Brown”. When he arrives at a residence he rings the doorbell multiple times and then retreats to the back yard to check for entry points into the residence. This subject has hit in the Hallford area, with entrances off Mount Vernon and Dunwoody Club Dr.

    The second BOLO is for a black Toyota Corolla with two black male occupants. The passenger of the vehicle is described as being heavy set black male and having unmanaged long hair. He was seen knocking on several residents doors, before kicking in a door to make entry into the residence. He has been seen in the Winters Chapel area.

    I apologize for the vague descriptions; however, this is what we are currently working with. Please keep a vigilant watch for any suspicious persons or activity in your area and remember to call 911 to report this type of activity. Do not limit your suspicions to the above descriptions. If you have any information regarding these two subjects please let me know so that I can forward it to Investigations.

    I wanted to also take a minute to thank those of you who have reported a white male who is soliciting children’s books within the City. This subject is driving a silver Pontiac with Montana tags. This subject has obtained a permit to solicit through the City of Dunwoody. I appreciate those of you who have alerted us to his activity and I wanted to make sure you all are aware that we are familiar with him. Thank you. Have a great weekend.

    Officer Kelly Boyer
    Dunwoody Police Department
    Community Outreach Unit
    41 Perimeter Center East Suite 100
    Dunwoody, GA 30346
    678-382-6913 Office
    770-396-4655 Fax

  13. Hi Audra,

    We had a similar incident with the same man that everyone has been talking about. My husband answered the door and a man with blonde hair was trying to sell us educational software. He kept asking how many children we had, which was very awkward. Just wanted to pass along the news.


  14. 7/21 by Courtney G.
    My mom’s neighbor @ Jett Ferry Ct got robbed in miday today–taking all fine jewelry.
    Police said this is the 7th house they have gotten and have only taken fine jewelry.(they have gone up and down all of Spalding Dr.)
    Her alarm was on, too. She was just @ a pool not far away.
    It was a purpleish Prius car.
    Please beware!!!

  15. hi audra,
    i sold books for southwestern publishing company in kentucky when i was 19. the company is legitimate…began selling bibles…then moved into educational materials (that’s what i sold). part of the job is to find out who has children in the neighborhood so that you don’t disturb the neighbors that don’t.
    it was a hot tough job that often went past dinnertime.
    times have changed and maybe door to door sales is a thing of the past.
    the company, based in franklin tennessee, targets college kids to sell their books. so, as sketchy as it may appear, most are just trying to pay for college.
    i’m sure that the student who was kindly given two bottles of water was very appreciative!
    page olson

  16. Hey,

    I called the police but did want you to know that a blond (and tan) sales guy just knocked on my door and was extremely RUDE and seemed a bit bewildered that I was rude back. He got into a silver Pontiac. He did not stop into any other driveways and I couldn’t read his tag. I was shocked at how young he was-probably late 20’s. Hope your enjoying the last week of summer-aaugghhh!


  17. A man fitting that description was at our door earlier today selling educational software as Rosemary described. He asked about what time my parents usually worked and about when others are at home.

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