Atlanta Boy Choir Performing at Dunwoody United Methodist Church

The Atlanta Boy Choir, now in its 56th year under the direction of founder, Fletcher Wolfe, will be performing at Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 27th, at 4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. The Atlanta Boy Choir is a world renowed group of 75 boys and 40 alumni men who have performed all over the world, including performances for kings, heads of state and even audiences with the Pope. This June, the choir will be traveling to Poland to be a part of the ceremony to bestow sainthood on Pope John Paul II. The Atlanta Boy Choir performs both religious and secular music and many people have exclaimed that listening to them sing must be what it is like to “hear angels sing”. They perform regularly at the lighting of the Christmas tree at the state capitol, ceremonies for Martin Luther King Jr, Day and at various churches throughout the holiday season each year just to name a few. They also sang for the inauguration for President Jimmy Carter. This is a performance not to be missed.


Rusty Mills