Another suspicious salesman in Dunwoody

Submitted by Cullen M.   Click here to email Cullen if you have any information about this salesman.

Last night a guy came to the door around 7:00pm.  We didn’t answer and he kept knocking to the point that I thought he might break the glass in our front door.  I answered and he was pushing ADT security systems.  His Dodge Minivan (gold with some type of suspicious non-ADT security logo on the window) was parked in front of our drive way in the street, not the curb.  I politely said I wasn’t interested repeatedly and he still wouldn’t go away.  He had a lanyard around his neck that presumedly had his permit in it but when I asked to see it he refused and when I reached out like I was going to look anyway he finally left.

He was white with red hair, not very tall, and was wearing a logo’d navy polo shirt.  There was another gentleman with the same type shirt carrying an ADT yard sign across the street just walking around.  He was tall, black and skinny.  Both could be described as clean cut.  Both got in the van and left together.  It didn’t look like they were going door to door but rather doing targeted stops.

I called 911 and reported it and they said they would send someone out to get a description but they never came.  I called Officer Boyer this morning and am awaiting a call back.  I’ll be interested to hear which security companies were issued permits, or not, by the city.

My wife said she saw an ADT truck in the neighborhood this morning.  This probably was legit but became a little suspicious when he wouldn’t show me his permit.  If any of your followers has seen the same van and can remember the name of the company advertised on the window please let me know and I will follow up with them.

5 thoughts on “Another suspicious salesman in Dunwoody

  1. Submitted by Lori M.
    I do believe I saw these two on North Peachtree on Tuesday. I was coming home from work and noticed that there were 2 men walking up & down driveways. I purposely did not stop to pick up my mail & Crier as I was not sure if they were trying to sell something or not (and you have amply warned us of all of these characters lately) and I did not want to be approached. I watched to see where they were going. They skipped my house, but went to my next door neighbor and to the neighbors across the street. At times, it appeared that they approached doors together & sometimes, they went separately. I recall succinctly that one was shorter & white and the other was tall & black………interesting!!!

  2. Submitted by Tom L.
    Coincidently, I had almost the exact same encounter yesterday afternoon, August 17th. And, my suspicion is that the individuals were not from ADT. In fact, the only ADT identification (if one can call it that!) was the yard sign he wielded around. I was able to get a name off their truck as they drove away. It was “Securewatch”.

    Also know that according to Art Armstrong, our HOA/Garden Club President, ADT does not solicit door to door.

    We live in Ridgmark (next to Huntcliff) off of Hightower Trail.

  3. Submitted by Tom L.
    It appears that SecureWatch does have a link to ADT. If you check their website it is indicated that they are an authorized distributor for ADT. I wonder if ADT knows of their tactics? I must assume so based on all the negative internet press generated primarily from their current and past employees. Check it out by googling “securewatch”.

  4. Submitted by Genny N.:
    Just thought I would let you know a “GE” salesman came to my door the other day. He was pushing a house alarm system but would not give me anything in writing or a brochure at the front door. He said he could only give me paperwork if I let him in the house & I gave him access to write up what was needed to install a system. I noticed he was going door to door on my street.

  5. @Tom L, can you tell me the website you looked at? The one I found shows a logo that didn’t match what I saw on the van at our house. It’s a curiosity at this point. These guys got info out of me that could put my home at risk and I want to be sure they’re legit. Thanks.


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