AHA! connects friends to bring Zac Efron and Roger McDowell to MC Park today

I just love connecting friends and helping fun things happen.   So….when one of my best girlfriends who is a movie publicist called last week and asked for contacts at Murphey Candler Park and Marist Baseball so that she could bring Roger McDowell and Zac Efron to Dunwoody for a movie promotion what did I do?   I emailed my friends  President of MC Park (Grant Morain) and wife of Dan Perez (Susan Perez – who is also on my AHA! “list”).     Once they were all connected I backed off and waited for today….I would have loved to announce to all of you that Zac was here so your girls could come for the event but alas…..I CAN KEEP A SECRET!
The purpose of the event was to promote Universal Studios’ new movie Charlie St. Cloud which has a baseball theme (www.charliestcloud.com).   Efron and Braves Pitching Coach, Roger McDowell, threw pitches and took photos with Dan Perez’ Baseball campers.    All the sisters of  Dan Perez’ baseball campers learned of the secret event yesterday and were well dressed and well groomed sitting in the stands at MC Park’s major field screaming during the event today!   It was really fun and I just wanted to share some photos with you.   My 8 year old son, Walt,  and his friend Henry are avid baseball fans and MC Park players and were MUCH more impressed with getting their picture with Roger McDowell than being on the same field with Efron!

The E! news people were there interviewing girls and the stars so you may catch footage on E! news if interested.
