d’Vine is Gone :(

I posted the following picture to The Aha! Connection Facebook page to see if anyone knows the story behind why d’Vine is suddenly empty with an eviction notice on their door. So far there isn’t any commentary with an official report.   Neither d’Vine’s Facebook Page or Website shows any indication that they are closed.  Regardless, this beloved Dunwoody wine bar appears to be empty and out of business.  Any business closing makes me sad… My suggestion for those of you needing a good wine bar destination in Dunwoody… head down the road a little ways to Vino Venue.  Michael and Lelia Bryan will take good care of you.

One comment on “d’Vine is Gone :(

  1. It’s been a great run, but the race is over. I’ve had a lease issue which couldn’t be resolved. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for the many years of support and friendship. Hopefully, I will meet many of you somewhere for a glass of great wine!

    With best wishes, Red Wine Bob
    (excerpt from an email sent to d’Vine customers)

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