Dunwoody High School Freshmen Bridge Program Scheduled for 7/28

The DHS Freshmen Bridge Program is scheduled for Friday, July 28, 2017 from 8:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Our incoming freshmen (from Peachtree MS or pre-registered) will participate in several activities throughout the course of the day. This year we will provide the freshmen with a brief introduction of the courses they will take in the various content areas.

Important Note:  This year we will NOT register rising Freshmen at Summer Bridge.
                        DHS Summer Bridge Agenda

8:45 – 9:10      Student Arrival – Administrative Welcome – Auditorium

9:15 – 12:05     Student Breakout Sessions 

12:10 – 12:25   Snack/Break  – Cafeteria

12:30 – 1:15     Spirit Video/Wildcat Cheer – Auditorium

1:15                Parents return to pick up students from Auditorium Lobby

Best regards,

Mr. Stacey Blake, LCSW, Ed.S
Assistant Principal- Discipline

678 874- 8515 (office)