Free upcoming Financial Aid and College Funding Workshop for all HS Parents & Students

October 25th or October 26th, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Room #A104
For All College Bound Students and Parents

College Funding and Financial Aid
It’s easy as 123

Presentation by Charles Goldberg, CPA, JD, MBA
(Parent of middle and high school students)
Please RSVP due to limited seating and so we can prepare enough kits for everyone! Provide which day you will be attending, # of guests, your names, and email.

Learn how to:
• Understand the financial aid system- knowledge is key!

• Analyze your family’s ability to receive financial aid

• Develop methods and strategies to increase the amount of financial aid your family can receive- Private & State Colleges

• Prepare applications for financial aid- FAFSA and CSS

• Guide in the selection of colleges that offer the best education utilizing financial assistance

• Review all financial aid documents to ensure accuracy and entitlements for financial aid programs

• Negotiate with the institutions for the most beneficial financial aid package for the family


Charles Goldberg
(404) 458-0067