Unwanted Soliciter in Dunwoody last night

Submitted by Heather B.

Tonight an African American female (about 45-60 years of age) was selling birthday cards without a permit. She rang our doorbell at about  8:05pm four or so times very insistently .  She did not have a city of dunwoody permit. My husband was talking to her through our windows, we did not open the front door, and she kept saying she could not hear him. She would not leave until another neighbor, whom she had called upon a few minutes earlier, showed up on our driveway asking her to leave the neighborhood.

While this was all occurring I was on the phone with the police. I don’t like calling 911 for these call, but the police officer confirmed to call 911 and not the non-emergency line. The police want these people to know they are not wanted in our city with out a permit and only if they are following the rules.

The solicitor was speaking with my husband, who was now outside the house on the street, when the police arrived. The police recorded the solicitor’s name and information. The police have her business card because she claimed she did not have any identification on her.   The solicitor said she takes the bus from nearby Dunkin Donuts at Mt. Vernon and Chamblee Dunwoody.  Also, she allegedly has a grandson that lives with another Grandmother down Womack.  But the grandchild was estranged from her (the lady soliciting).

3 thoughts on “Unwanted Soliciter in Dunwoody last night

  1. I know its seems crazy when someone comes to your door selling something, but while reading this all I could think was that this lady was just trying to make some money. Not everyone is as privilidged as those living in Dunwoody. While that doesn’t mean she should be able to sit on your door and bother you when you’ve told her no, I just also feel we should understand people better and put ourselves in their shoes for a minute. She obviously just needs to make some money and was tyring to find other ways to do it.

  2. Where do you live? Even a street name would suffice.

    Also I don’t disagree with the comment by Shana. I always try to be polite to these people selling door to door because perhaps they are legit and are just trying to make a living but that being said they need to follow the rules and have a permit and if they are asked to leave your property then they really should do so.

  3. She was in the Oxford Chase Community this morning! I saw her walking from one neighbor’s door to the next. Luckily, I was on my way out!

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