Chamblee Dunwoody Road Water Main Replacement & Road Improvements


Construction work on the water main pipe replacement and road improvements project along Chamblee Dunwoody Road is underway.

In an effort to reduce construction duration and minimize project costs, the City of Dunwoody will be undertaking this project on two concurrent, yet separate fronts.  

Water Main Replacements & Repaving 

The water main work is located on the northern end of the project, between Womack Road and Roberts Drive.

Work began at the intersection of Roberts Drive and Chamblee Dunwoody Road and is progressing south to Womack Road. Periodic lane closures can be expected Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Weather permitting, the section north of Womack Road is expected to be complete at the end of this year.

Road Improvements & Repaving

Work along Chamblee Dunwoody Road, south of Womack Road to Cambridge Drive, has begun with initial site preparation activities and tree removal. The work crews are conducting general grading and clearing of the project right-of-ways within the construction area. Project work is ultimately dependent upon the weather. The section of the project consists of minor road widening for bicycle lanes, placement of new curb and gutter, installation of storm drainage structures and pipes, and the installation of sidewalks.

In the coming weeks, the city does not anticipate the need for any full-time lane closures within the Womack Road to Cambridge Drive section of project construction. Drivers can expect temporary delays and the potential for periodic closure (Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.) of one lane as flag crews help direct traffic around ongoing work. Traffic flows in the area will be monitored to properly address any potential delays during this time period.

Once all of these improvements are made to Chamblee Dunwoody Road, this section of roadway will then be resurfaced.

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