Book of the Week: Finding Jake

Book of the Week
Finding Jake

Finding Jake: A Novel

by Bryan Reardon
Hardcover ~ Release Date: 2015-02-24

List Price: $26.99
Our Price: $10.39

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I told someone earlier today that I am a ravenous reader.   

Ravenous =  extremely hungry

Well, now that I’m thinking about what that means, let me just say that I devoured Finding Jake.  

Devour = to eat hungrily or quickly

In my younger days I could stay up til 2 or 3 AM (sometimes later) to finish a great book.   I can’t do that anymore so instead I went to bed at my normal time and set my alarm for 5 AM this morning so I could finish.   It did NOT disappoint.

Don’t be confused if you’ve read Defending Jacob which was also a good book but definitely not the same book or author as Finding Jake….

Had a good friend/avid reader not suggested this to me, I never would have picked it up.   Seriously, who wants to read another book about a high school shooting?   Please don’t let that stop you.

The book is narrated from a stay-at-home father’s perspective.   I could feel his anguish and mental torture as he wrestled with the fact that he wasn’t sure if he really knew his son at all.  I felt like I was living inside his mind and the suspense nearly killed me waiting to find out if we would ever find Jake or not.  I LOVED this book and ignored my family for 24 hours while I hungrily consumed it from beginning to end!

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