Guidelines for Dunwoody Candidate Forum – October 11, 2015 – Dunwoody High School Auditorium

Source: Heneghan’s Dunwoody Blog

Dear Candidate:

The Dunwoody Homeowners Association, in partnership with The Dunwoody Crier, is pleased to sponsor a candidate forum on Sunday, October 11 at 4:00 pm. The forum will be held in the auditorium at Dunwoody High School at 5035 Vermack Road, Dunwoody, Georgia, 30338.

Guidelines for Dunwoody Candidate Forum

October 11, 2015 – Dunwoody High School Auditorium

There are two contested races – the race for mayor and the race for District 1 – At-Large Council member. Candidates for the District 1 council post will go first, followed by the mayor’s race.

Each candidate will have 3 minutes to provide an opening introduction and 2 minutes to provide closing remarks. The order of introductions will be determined by random selection at the start of the event. The same order will be used for both opening and closing remarks. (So, the person who gets the first opening will also have the first closing. The person who has the last opening gets the last closing.)

The audience will be offered the opportunity to ask questions via index cards. These will be provided to the moderator, who has complete discretion over which questions to ask and may edit questions for brevity, clarity and to avoid prejudicial questions. No microphones will be provided for direct audience interaction.

Each candidate will get the chance to answer each question. The moderator will vary the order in which candidates are called on to answer. Each answer will be limited to 2 minutes.   A timekeeper will provide a yellow “30-second warning” and a red “Stop Now” indicator.

This is a candidate forum, not a debate. You may not interrupt another candidate while they are speaking. There are no opportunities for rebuttals. Please maintain the high degree of civility expected of candidates in Dunwoody. 

A table will be set up outside the auditorium for campaign literature (printed materials only). No backboards, stand-up displays or banners will be allowed. The table will be shared by all candidates, so please keep that in mind as you plan what to put out. 

Yard signs may not be placed on school property. You may have yard signs stacked against the wall outside the auditorium for audience members to take home but yard signs may not be brought into the auditorium and they may not be carried or waved by supporters inside or outside the building.