SOS for Starbucks on Jett Ferry

Not written by Audra but forwarded to Audra by countless Aha! Subscribers:

SOS – Save our Starbucks!

It takes a moment to call – it is store #8422. Or take a moment and comment on their website under customer service ideas -“locations and atmospheres”

If you are concerned about the Starbucks at Orchard Park closing, please call Starbucks corporate at 1-800-235-2883 to let them know.  The customer service reps were very nice and answered right away. The people at this customer line told us that sometimes when they have lots of customer calls about a store closing, they will keep the store open.  Please forward (and post) this to your friends & neighbors.  Let’s save our neighborhood coffee shop!!! EVEN PEOPLE THAT DON’T FREQUENT THE STORE SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS.  WE HAVE SO FEW NEIGHBORHOOD STORES AND RESTAURANTS.  CALL BECAUSE IT IS GOOD FOR OUR NEIGHBORHOOD TO HAVE PLACES TO MEET.  WE HAVE VERY FEW AMENITIES ON THIS SIDE OF DUNWOODY.

The Starbucks customer service rep told me that the district manager will call me within 72 hours.  I called the owner of the shopping center (who also owns the UPS center).  I left a message with a woman and never got a call back from the person who could help me.  I called them because I have heard that owners continue to increase the rent because this these two shopping centers are write offs for them so they are not concerned about whether they are vacant.  Who knows what’s true, but this is our neighborhood so we need to care!  This may just be one of more casualties to come. (original note written by Marcy L.)