Update on Mt. Vernon Road Infrastructure Improvements

DeKalb County is in the process of replacing two aging water mains with one new 16-inch diameter main along Mount Vernon Road between Ashford Dunwoody Road and Vernon Oaks Drive.  These required infrastructure improvement efforts by the county are not only necessary but critical for the maintenance and quality of Dunwoody’s water system.

Work is progressing along Mount Vernon Road and crews are anticipating completion of the water main pipe work between Vernon Oaks Drive and Wickford Way by June 24, weather permitting. The water main pipe work started at Vernon Oaks Drive, has progressed past Wickford Way and is almost to the beginning of the commercial office park area along Mount Vernon Road.  Crews will soon begin to lay sidewalk in the completed area (from Vernon Oaks up to Mount Vernon Way) and should be finished in this area by mid July. The proposed sidewalk from Mount Vernon Way up to Ashford Dunwoody will be constructed following all of the remaining water main pipe work in this area. The next steps will be testing and chlorinating the waterline for the entire length of new pipe which should begin at the end of June.

All work along Mount Vernon Road, between Ashford Dunwoody Road and Vernon Oaks Drive, is expected to be complete by the end of 2015.  Residents, businesses and community members interested in receiving ongoing project updates and information can sign up for email alerts via the Mount Vernon Water Main Replacement project web page, by emailing construction@dunwoodyga.gov or by calling the Department of Public Works at 678-382-6850.  

Questions regarding these paving projects or other road construction projects in process can be addressed by contacting John Gurbal at john.gurbal@dunwoodyga.gov.