At approximately 8:30pm, Halloween night, our life size cutout of POTUS O. was kidnapped, prematurely relieving him of his duty. He has become a Halloween fixture in our neighborhood of Vernon North and has made regular appearances at window’s on April Fool’s Day and at neighbor’s birthday, holiday and Superbowl parties. Please help us find him!!! We believe some kids may have engaged in some mischievous going’s on this All Hollow’s Eve and may be holding him ransom. Rest assured good public, the ransom will not be paid….but we sure would like him back! No harm, no foul. We’re positive the kidnapping was all in good fun. So, Parents, I implore you, check garages, closets and behind doors….he could be stashed anywhere! POTUS O. must be returned to his rightful place. Plus, he has appearance fees to collect 😀
Kelly Conn