From John Heneghan’s Dunwoody Blog
At the Dunwoody City Council Meeting on Monday, Mr. Larry Adams the crossing guard at Dunwoody Elementary presented the City Council with a proposal to assist with traffic control at Dunwoody High School both in the morning and afternoon after his shift at DES. The DeKalb School System does not pay for crossing guards above elementary school therefore the proposal would need to be paid by the City of Dunwoody. The sum of $3,100.00 ($18.00 per hour) for the school year is reasonable and I am in favor of taking Mr. Adams up on his offer. I am guessing this is currently under legal review and then discussions might have to take place with the new Principal Tom McFarrin and the DCSS Administration. Mr. Adams has requested a formal meeting to discuss the proposal and I hope it takes place soon.
Fyi – School starts August 11th.