Kingsley Kindergarten Round-Up

Kingsley-Logo-PRIMARY-Color-w-OutlineKingsley’s Kindergarten Round-up is scheduled for May 6th from 9:00 – 10:30AM. Come get a first-hand look at our classrooms and all we have to offer our students. You will hear about the many activities and special programs that we have here at Kingsley. This is the time to begin the registration process – you will submit required documents. Please plan to arrive promptly. Children are welcome…check out our website for more details, or visit the following link
Naturally, Captain Kingsley & Princess Comet are ready to help too – check out how in this great video:

Please note that the time and date have changed – this was necessary due the rescheduling of the CRCT testing dates (by DeKalb County, in response to lost instructional days due to winter storms).

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Tom Lambert