New York Times Bestselling Author Gives Public Talk at Holy Innocents’

LittlePrinces_small-199x300Conor Grennan, author of the New York Times Bestseller “Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal,” will present the Program for Global Citizenship lecture on Tuesday, April 22, at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (HIES). The public is invited to a reception at 6:30 p.m. and the lecture at 7 p.m. in the school’s Fine Arts Building.

Grennan’s book—described by the Christian Science Monitor as “a wildly emotional thrill ride”—grew out of the author’s three-month stay in war-torn Nepal in 2004, working at the Little Princes Children’s Home. There, he discovered children who were not orphans but rather trafficked children.
The experience inspired Grennan’s book and also prompted the author to become an international children’s rights advocate and to found Next Generation Nepal, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reconnecting trafficked children with their families in post-war Nepal.

“We chose Grennan to be this year’s global lecturer given his passion for the world, particularly the children of Nepal,” said Quinton Walker, director of HIES’ Program for Global Citizenship. “I’m not sure he ever intended to be someone who set out to help these children. Rather, he learned of a demonstrated need once on the ground and Nepal and launched into action.

“This recognition of an injustice, the righting of a wrong, is why he’s so valuable — it is a lesson for us all to move beyond the role of bystander.”
To date, Grennan has helped to reconnect some 300 children with their families.

A limited number of “Little Princes” will be available for purchase following the April 22 lecture, and Grennan will sign books in the FAB lobby following the lecture.

The author is a citizen of the United States and Ireland, and a graduate of the University of Virginia and the NYU Stern School of Business.
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School is located at 805 Mt. Vernon Hwy. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30327.

For more about Conor Grennan visit:

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Peggy Shaw