Aha! Movie Review~ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

MV5BMzU0NDY0NDEzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTIxNDU1MDE@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_I love finding movies that my children enjoy equally as much as I do.   I took two of my favorite 15 year old boys to see the latest Hobbit movie (my son and nephew.)   The film runs for 161 minutes and usually these two active boys can’t sit still for very long.  However, they were as riveted to the screen as I was.   This story is full of twists and turns, beautiful scenery, and tons of action and adventure.  What I love most of all,  is that it has inspired my son to download the book and read this fabulous classic!

I was surprised and glad to see Evangeline Lilly appear as Tauriel...she is GREAT in this role.  Warning:  the movie ends in a cliff hanger so you’ll be ready for the third Hobbit but will have to wait a whole year!  All you parents out there will want to know that the movie is rated PG-13 for extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence, and frightening images.   The ginormous spiders were especially frightening to me!

My mom was curious about all the “Hobbit movies” and their chronological story order…..so I’ll lay out the sequence for everyone here.   The Hobbit was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and first published in 1937.  The huge success and critical acclaim of the book prompted the publisher to request a sequel.  The equally successful The Lord of the Rings was published in three volumes during 1954 and 1955.   Following is a list of the major motion pictures that have been (and will be) released.   I’ve listed them in chronological order for the purposes of watching them to follow the story from beginning to end but included the movie release dates.  Obviously,  The Lord of the Rings movies were released first….then prequel Hobbit movies were subsequently released and we still have one more yet to come! 

The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey (2012)

The Hobbit:  The Desolation of Smaug (2013)

The Hobbit:  There and Back Again (to be released in December 2014)

The Lord of the Rings:  The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

The Lord of the Rings:  The Two Towers (2002)

The Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King (2003)

I highly recommend all of these movies!   I’ve seen them all and would actually like to start over and watch them from beginning to end once the final Hobbit is released next year!


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