Holiday Reminders from The Dunwoody Police

  •  If you are lucky enough to receive items such as a new: Television, Xbox, PS4, tablet, laptop or anything else in a big box please do not place it by the curb for criminals to see.  If the box is by the curb then the stuff is inside the house.  I recommend breaking down the boxes and placing them in black garbage bags or recycling at a designated center.
  • If traveling or going out of town please do not let everyone on Facebook know your whereabouts.  Let neighbors know if you are gone and also register for a Home Watch at and We will check on your house.  Be a good neighbor and look out for those who are out of town.
  • DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!  Please be careful and always have a designated driver.  Enjoy the holidays but do not put yourself or others at risk.
  • For those who are doing last minute shopping; Be aware of your surroundings.  Do not leave items visible in your vehicle.  Hold on to purses and wallets.  Be vigilant and be safe.
  • Finally the Police department is open 24/7, 365 days a year so if you need us please don’t hesitate to call. We will be here!