Holy Innocents’ Sophomore Joins Youth Leadership Group

Grant-for-online-mediaGrant Knoechel, a sophomore at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (HIES), has been accepted into the next class of Youth Leadership Sandy Springs—a group offering students a chance to study government, the environment, public safety, the economy and other topics.

Knoechel is one of 35 students from eight schools who will be inducted into the 2013-14 class of Youth Leadership Sandy Springs on Aug. 15 in the Holy Innocents’ Fine Arts Building. Classes meet regularly in places such as city hall, the police department, historic homes and courtrooms.

Knoechel is a violinist, plays on the Golden Bears JV soccer team, and last year began an ongoing battery recycling project at HIES. The project was designed to help rid the environment of hazardous, discarded household batteries from sources like remote controls, smoke alarms, and flashlights.

“Single-use batteries contain heavy metals and toxic chemicals, and if they are not properly recycled they can contaminate our water supplies,” Knoechel explained.

As a part of Youth Leadership Sandy Springs, the sophomore will spend the year learning and practicing leadership skills while studying the Sandy Springs community. He’ll join students from across Sandy Springs for in-depth looks at the city’s government, economy, social services, public safety and the environment. Before graduating, this year’s Youth Leadership Sandy Springs class will also complete a joint service project.

For more information, visit: www.leadershipsandysprings.org/ylss.

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Peggy Shaw