Holy Innocents’ Names Lower School Chaplain

chaplain-for-11aliveHoly Innocents’ Episcopal School has announced the appointment of Timothy Sommer to the position of Lower School Chaplain.

Sommer received his Master’s in Divinity from Yale Divinity School and his diploma in Anglican Studies from the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in May. In 2010, he earned a Master of Arts in Religion with distinction from Chicago Theological Seminary. Sommer is also a 2007 graduate of Olivet Nazarene University, Magna Laude, in general studies with distinction in English and history.

Sommer has served as assistant chaplain at Cambridge University’s Peterhouse College, as an assistant chaplain in the Yale University Chaplain’s Office, and a student chaplain at the Hospital of St. Raphael in New Haven, Conn. He has developed curricula and teaching methods for students with learning capabilities, taught secondary-school English literature, coached cross-country and soccer, and in 2011-2012 he served at the Taft School in Watertown, Conn., as an intern.

Sommer is also on the ordination track in the Episcopal Church; he plans to be ordained by his resident Diocese of Connecticut.

At Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School, Timothy will serve on the chaplaincy team with the Rev. Wendy Porter-Cade and with Head Chaplain Ned Mulligan. “He will lead worship, work with the children to make chapel a meaningful experience, provide pastoral care as needed, teach, and coach,” Mulligan said. “He is a highly-qualified, committed, and gifted young man who will bring substantial personal and intellectual resources to the Holy Innocents’ Chaplaincy.”

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Peggy Shaw