Viewers Get an Inside Look at City Services and
Departments in New Video Series
April 9, 2013 – Dunwoody, Ga. – Community residents and visitors who ask “How does the City do that?” are finally getting their answer. The City of Dunwoody moves into the limelight with the launch of the new city “Spotlight Series” — a cycle of informational videos showcasing City departments and the services each provide.
The behind the scenes look into City operations and services will showcase a single City department. Each of the “Spotlight Series” segments introduces a department head, discussing their role, responsibilities and the projects being accomplished and how people can get in touch with them.
The videos will be posted to the City website as well as on the City’s YouTube channel. The first set of videos, released over the next several weeks, will include introductions to several critical City departments including: Public Works, Community Development, Municipal Court, Finance and Administration, Police, and Office of the City Manager.
The videos serve as an interactive question and answer session with a department and address key topics, projects and initiatives on the minds of residents and visitors and other stakeholders.
“The goal is to build stronger relationships with our residents by utilizing new and popular media making the City more approachable and more widely available,” said Bob Mullen, Dunwoody Marketing & PR Director. “We want it to become an interactive experience and grow to the point of creating a real dialog between residents and their government.”
As additional videos are produced, the City will conduct “man on the street” interviews to directly answer citizens’ questions and concerns.
Residents are encouraged to submit questions to the City and a video response from the corresponding department head will be created and posted on the City’s YouTube channel,\cityofdunwoody. Questions and inquiries can be submitted via video and sent directly to the City through a link or by submitting the question in an email to