Movie Review of 42 (The Life Story of Jackie Robinson)


Synopsis:  The life story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey.

Rated:  PG-13 for for thematic elements including language

Stars:  , , |

Review:   The Anders males and some friends saw the movie on Saturday night.  Each one of them enjoyed the movie and gave it a solid A.     My  boys were amazed at the prejudice and racial hatred and never imagined that Jackie could have been treated so horribly.   It was an eye-opening history lesson for two baseball playing boys who regularly and happily compete with or against baseball players of all races, sizes and nationalities.   The two biggest takeaways I got from the movie-goers were:  First that although Branch Rickey proclaimed that he made the decision to hire Robinson based on the desire to make more money, that the movie made it obvious that it was more than that…Rickey was a spiritual man who stood by Robinson all along the way and encouraged him to never give up.  Secondly, the abuse taken by Robinson was far worse than any of them had imagined.   The racial hatred, profanity, racial slurs and constant flinging of the “n word” were more than most people could have endured.  Robinson is a true hero and I’m glad that my boys are able to more fully appreciate his heroism after seeing the movie.  I was unable to see the movie Saturday night but plan to find time to see it soon.

Click here to see the Plugged In Movie Review to help you decide if it is appropriate for your children to see.

4 thoughts on “Movie Review of 42 (The Life Story of Jackie Robinson)

  1. We LOVED the movie. It was eye-opening in the way that they treated Jack Robinson during this time as it was sooo unnecessary! Excellent “history lesson” for all of us!

  2. Sandi -That is really up to you. There is a LOT of use of the “n-word” and really mean and hateful adults. My kids are old enough to know not to repeat words that they hear in movies but only you know your kids. I highly suggest that you read the full review on Plugged IN before deciding whether or not to take your young children. The MPAA rates it PG-13 so most would say it should be for 13 and up. My youngest is almost 12 but I’m not sure I would have let him go if here were 10 or younger.

  3. Excellent movie! They did a great job of portraying what happened accurately without any bias towards one side or the other. The acting was amazing in this movie. Definitely worth seeing it the theater. I would agree with Audra’s comment above about elementary kids. Lots of N word usage, but no nudity or anything else.

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