You Should Be in Pictures! Dunwoody (Business People) Model Call!

lensWe will be out in the Ravinia Building plaza (4770 North Peachtree Road) Monday, April 8, taking photos from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. to show off our wonderful City by featuring Ravinia and the professionals that work there!

We are looking for men and women business professionals who would like to be models for our Dunwoody photography. Don’t worry, no experience is necessary. The goal is just to have fun and take some great pictures! And, we will send you copies of the images you are in.

Participants are asked to wear solid colors and business professional attire. We will be taking pictures of people enjoying lunch, walking along the paths, socializing in and around the buildings and more.

Business professionals interested in modeling at Ravinia should meet at the bottom of Ravinia Building One at 12:00 p.m.

Please contact Molly Davis at 404 949-3776 for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!


Molly Davis
404 949-3776