Let’s make Dunwoody High the “team of the week”!

Update as of 4:54 PM:  Keep voting….we just edged ahead of Cedar Grove!   I’m so laughing out loud at all of you who are JUST as COMPETITIVE as I am…I’ve gotten so many fun messages about this today!

TEAM2 Dunwoody Wildcats

50.4% (10,862 votes)

TEAM1 Cedar Grove Saints

49.1% (10,573 votes)

I went to the homecoming game Friday night and saw the Dunwoody Wildcats big upset over Marist.   I was very excited for the DHS Football team. (sorry Marist friends!)
I’m full of Dunwoody spirit so I promised my girlfriend who is prez of the DHS PTA that I’d send a plea to the Aha! Connection to help DHS become the Fox 5 Team of the week!  The students want it because they get an extra Pep Rally this week and they deserve it!!!
Voting ends tomorrow and we are in 2nd place behind Cedar Grove by approximately 1,000 votes.
(check out my web post about the Starbucks card from last week.  There were no Dunwoody Schools on the Mamapedia school support list until after I sent my message to Aha!  Now Vanderlyn is #1 and Montgomery is in the top 5 – you guys have some POWER so VOTE!!)

You can text in your vote to 78015 by texting the message “team 2” (I think you can vote every hour) or you can vote via the web.  See below:

Who earned the title of High 5 Sports Team of the Week this week? Cast your vote and tell us! You’ve got until Tuesday at 3 p.m. to get those votes in, make your pick from this week’s list of contenders.
Team of the Week Poll: October 21