Update from Dunwoody’s Mayor

Good morning! It has been a bit more than a year since the Pandemic began. I am grateful for the support of Dunwoody residents as your City Council has been navigating this challenging time.  I believe that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Locally, the number of new cases remains lower than it has been since mid-Fall. We must continue to practice all the behaviors that slow the spread. Staying home if you are ill is key. Wear masks, avoid crowds and continue to practice good hygiene.

Beginning today, all Georgians 16* and over are eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine. I have included resources for making appointments below. (*Sixteen and seventeen-year-olds are only eligible for Pfizer.) I have linked resources for finding vaccine appointments below. The city has added a few new resources so be sure to check that page if you are trying to locate an appointment. 

The image at the top of this email is just a snapshot of some of what has been accomplished in Dunwoody during the pandemic. City staff has smoothly managed several different transitions during the pandemic. I am appreciative of all the hard work and innovation that has occurred over the last year. 

In case you missed some other Dunwoody news, we won a Visionary City Award for our Picnic Table project, passed a public art ordinance and appointed Dunwoody’s first art commission, and continued work on important infrastructure projects

The City recently sponsored a virtual for parents of middle-school-aged children. One of our community partners, Summit Counseling, shared strategies to help this age group deal with the stresses of life right now. In reality, the presenters provided information that will help us all manage this complicated time. You can view it here.

City Council has provided funding to a variety of non-profits that provide services to those that are most vulnerable. These funds (from the CARES Act) have been used to help these organizations address mental health services, housing needs, and food insecurity. City Council recently approved an additional 75,000 dollars to help with rent and mortgage assistance. I share these resources below should you find yourself in need. 

City Council has given out over two million dollars in CARES Act funding to Dunwoody small businesses to cover rent and other eligible expenses for 2020. Additionally, we used CARES Act funding to help businesses expand their outside capacity. I will soon announce a Dunwoody Economic Recovery Advisory Committee to provide input on the “what comes next” phase. Part of this process will be some grants for local entrepreneurs. Stay tuned for much more information.

I remain optimistic about Dunwoody’s future and look forward to working with our community to continue to move our city forward. 



PS– Need an incentive to get moving as we enter Spring? Join me for the Dunwoody Parks and Recreation April Step Challenge. It will be a fun, low-key, competition where you will have a chance to out-step me! More information here