Want to host an exchange student?

Thanks to the Aha! Connection, we were able to find a family for Soto and keep him in Dunwoody HS.  The placement looks great, and Soto and his new family are really enjoying getting to know each other!   Now we have another opportunity for a lucky family!

AFS Intercultural Programs is looking for host families in Dunwoody. If you have ever been interested in hosting an exchange student, now is the time to find out more!

Right now, AFS has one student in the Dunwoody school district looking for a placement starting in December 2011 or January 2012.  The student is from Indonesia, is an honor roll student at Dunwoody, and is here on a US State Department Scholarship – Youth Exchange Study (YES).  Students in Indonesia compete hard to receive the YES scholarship.  It is merit based.  Since 2003, almost 500 Indonesian students have received the scholarship – and we understand there are many times that who have applied.

The family currently hosting this student has had a change in their circumstances, and can host only through the end of the semester. The student will return to his home country in June 2012.

AFS Georgia does want to keep the student in the same school through the end of his program, but we can only do so if we can find a family in the Dunwoody school district to host.

Local AFS Volunteers will support you and your hosted student throughout your experience to help you both receive the most from your time together. You provide a bed and meals for your student, but most importantly, you should be eager and excited to share your life and activities while providing the same kind of care, support, and comfort as you would to your own child or family members. AFS welcomes all kinds of families.

Sharing daily life with a teenager from another country and culture is a rich and rewarding experience and is a wonderful way for you and your family to build a more just and peaceful world.

Fill out a hosting interest form at http://www.afsusa.org/hostfamily to start the process, or call Ruth Blackstock at 404.406.2917 or e-mail afsgeorgia@gmail.com for more information.