Survey Link:
In accordance with Board policy AEA, the Calendar Committee is charged with developing calendar options for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 and submitting the calendar recommendations to Superintendent, Dr. R. Stephen Green. Through Dr. R. Stephen Green, the Calendar Committee will make a recommendation to the DeKalb County Board of Education for consideration and approval.
The DeKalb County School District’s Calendar Committee is exploring calendar options to align with other similarly sized districts in close geographic proximity. Both calendars include the following attributes:
- 180 days of instruction for students
- 190 teacher days including one evening workday comprised of parent-teacher conferences (2 per semester)
- 5 teacher workdays before the first day of school
- Holidays for all – Labor Day, Martin L. King, Jr. Day, and President’s Day
- Thanksgiving Break – one week in November
- Spring Break – one week coinciding with most metro area districts
- Last day of school for students before Memorial Day
The major differences in the proposed calendar options for both years are as follows:
*Option A:
Students begin the school year on the second Monday of August.
There is a 3-day fall mini break and a 1-day break in February.
There are 85 instructional days first semester and 95 instructional days second semester.
*Option B:
Students begin the school year on the first Monday in August.
There is a 3-day fall mini break and a 2-day break in February.
There are 90 instructional days both semesters.
*Note: There are several possibilities for the fall mini break and February mini break, so the committee members will consider the testing schedules and feedback from stakeholders to make the final recommendations.
Please complete the short survey about the calendar options through the survey link above. This is not a vote but rather an opportunity to receive input from stakeholders. In order to ensure that your responses are recorded, select the DONE button at the end of the survey. Please complete the survey only once. Please enter any questions., suggestions, or concerns about the calendar options in the comments box before submitting the survey responses.
Thank you in advance for providing valuable feedback.