Kids Fit Fest at All Saints starts this Thursday

Remember the good old days? The days when you could play games outside on the street with kids from your neighborhood until it got dark or Mom called you in for dinner. Well, sadly those days are over. Elizabeth Ramey, Founder/Owner of Kids Fit Fest saw a need in our obesity ridden, screen time driven childhood population and has started a crusade to bring back the good old days of classic childhood games that we all played at home or at recess. Kids love to play games and with Kids Fit Fest games are played and exercise is accomplished all at once! The greatest part about it is the kids don’t even realize how much exercise they are getting because they are having so much fun!

Kids Fit Fest is coming to All Saints! Register Now!

Session Information:
Thursdays, October 27 through December 15 (no class week of Thanksgiving).

Preschoolers (minimum age of 3 ½) meets 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Kindergarten through Second Grade meets 4:30 pm- 5:30 pm

Cost: $95 for the seven week session

To register please click here

Or visit the All Saints Website

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Mattie Azurmendi