City of Dunwoody election ballot guide- vote on November 8th


The City of Dunwoody will hold municipal elections on Nov. 8 and registered voters will also be allowed to vote on several other issues.

The ballot will include the following: (FYI – all council posts open in this election are “at large” posts so everyone in the city of Dunwoody can vote for each of these posts)

  • Choosing a mayor from one of the following three candidates:
    • Bob Dallas
    • Michael G. Davis
    • Gordon Jackson
  • Choosing a City Council at large Post 4 council member from one of the following 3 candidates:
    • Rick Callihan
    • Terry Nall
    • Robert Wittenstein, Incumbent
  • Choosing a City Council at large Post 5 council member (vacated by Danny Ross) from one of the following two candidates:
    • Lynn Deutsch
    • Kerry de Vallette
  • Choosing a City Council at large Post 6 council member
    • John Heneghan is the incumbent and running unopposed
  • Issues the City of Dunwoody Registered Voters will be allowed to vote on:
    1. Voting “yes” or “no” to purchase/acquire parks and green space by the issuing of a $33 million bond
    2. Voting “yes” or “no” to issue a $33 million bond for the parks system improvements
    3. Voting “yes” or “no” to give the city of Dunwoody the power to create a Tax Allocation District by giving it powers under the “Redevelopment Powers Law”
    4. Voting “yes” or “no” to legalize Sunday package sales of alcohol in Dunwoody
    5. Voting “yes” or “no” to renew a penny sales tax for education to fund school construction, known as Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, or SPLOST

Click here to go to the DHA website and view photos of all candidates

The council posts that will be voted on in 2 years are the posts specific to district voting and are currently held by:

  1. Doug Thompson (District 1)
  2. Adrian Bonser (District 2)
  3. Denny Shortal (District 3)

Click here to see a map of the Districts in Dunwoody