Dunwoody Parks Bonds Information

Submitted by Anne Hicks

With real estate prices and interest rates at historic lows, we have a unique opportunity now to responsibly acquire and improve land for green space for us and all future generations.  On behalf of a group of Dunwoody residents sometimes referred to as the “Parks Yes” group, please see the attached information and forward this to anyone who might be interested.  The dollar figures were reviewed by City staff.

If you’re unsure how to vote, the remaining dates for informational sessions led by Dan Weber are provided below.  The best opportunity to ask city officials pointed questions will be October 27 at 7 p.m.

If you are willing to write a letter to the Crier in support of the bonds, the e-mail is thecrier@mindspring.com.

Thank you.

Parks Bonds Informational Meetings:

Dunwoody United Methodist (room 257), 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 23.

Congregation Beth Shalom, 11:00 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 23

Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall – Hosted by Citizens for Dunwoody

2 thoughts on “Dunwoody Parks Bonds Information

  1. Submitted by Cullen McClure:
    I was reminded earlier today that Thursday night at 7:00pm is the last of the Citizens of Dunwoody public forums/presentation on the pros and cons of the Parks Bond initiatives that we’ll vote on in a couple weeks. It will be held at City Hall. I have been wanting to go see this presentation for awhile but have been traveling a lot lately and haven’t had a chance to go. I look forward to hearing and possibly taking part in the debate and would encourage you to attend in order to voice your opinion on the issue regardless of which side you’re on.

    This evening Emma played her last Softball game of the Fall season. This being the first season that I haven’t coached a team in my five years at the park I get a chance during the slow parts of her games to walk around and watch the other games going on. It’s always great to see kids that I coached first in T-Ball or 8U and see how they’ve grown and progressed in the sport.

    I realized tonight that I’ve made friendships with all of you because our girls decided to play softball at some point and wound up on one of the teams i’ve been involved with at the park. We’ve watched our little girls grow, make friendships, learn what it is like to work as a team and make lifelong memories together. Emma said on the ride home that she wanted to vote “no” on the parks issue. I asked her why and she said that she didn’t want her friends to be split up playing at different parks. I told her that wouldn’t happen and that new parks would allow other kids to get the opportunities to make those same type of friendships while playing the sports that they love.

    As my friend said in his reminder message to me this morning, parks are one of the things that make a community a “community” along with schools and churches. I think he’s right. I hope to see you soon and I’m already looking forward to next softball season.

  2. Submitted by Kirk Anders
    Please plan to attend the Parks and Rec presentation at City Hall Thursday Oct 27 at 7:00 PM. I was a part of the Sounding Board that had input for the Master Plan that has since been modified by council. I was unable to attend 2 of the 3 Sounding Board meetings because one evening one of my children performed in a Talent show and the other time I had to coach baseball practice. I believe this is a trend for many citizens with kids—it is difficult to attend meetings because we are all busy with our family schedules. I believe many people in Dunwoody have not been heard from and are not fully informed. Thursday’s meeting will be an excellent opportunity to learn and be heard. Bring your children with you and have them wear a team jersey, hat, etc.

    Parks and Recreation are areas that can help make a community a community….much like schools, churches and synagogues. I would encourage you to get involved and be heard.

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