OH MY GOSH – The Aha! Connection is amazing!

Submitted by Betsy R.:

When I got home tonight I had fabulous email waiting for me from one of my clients.  She is being left high and dry by her nanny so I mentioned your website as a possible resource.  Here is what I got tonight….

subject:  OH MY GOSH – The Aha Connection is amazing!
“Thanks for the recommendation.  There was a post today about a nanny looking for a position – and it REALLY makes me wish that we had something like this for Vinings.  When I was in DC we had a listserv for Moms on the Hill (Capitol Hill) and it was awesome but not in a website format.   Really appreciate the recommendation!”

I have given your website information to several of my clients and so far one who was recently divorced just found a job from your site!!  Very exciting for her and I both!   And then there are the women I work with who suffer from significant depression… your postings have frequently given them the push they need to get out and try something a little new (at least they can’t give me the excuse that they don’t know what is happening around town).  Anyways… just wanted to let you know that your Aha efforts are not wasted.