Dunwoody Candidate Forum on Sustainability (note date and location change!)

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On behalf of the Dunwoody Student Volunteer Organization, the League of Women Voters and like-minded individuals, we would like to invite you to attend the Dunwoody Candidate Forum on Sustainability, to be held the evening of Tuesday, October 25th at Peachtree Charter Middle School. Candidates for Dunwoody city council and mayor will discuss their positions on such wide-ranging topics as Clean/Green Technology and Sustainable Business Practices; Sustainable funding and planning strategies for Parks, Trails and Green Space; Land use and city planning; Multi-Modal Transportation; Energy; Solid Waste Management; Social Impact on Sustainability; and Air & Water Quality.

If you’d care to learn more about Dunwoody’s vision for Sustainability, please go the city’s website at www.dunwoodyga.gov, go to the Community Development department, click on Land Use Plans, download the “Comprehensive Land Use Plan” and do a search for the term “Sustainability”. You will find reference to the Sustainability Commission, as well as undertaking a “Sustainability Plan”. Feel free to look up www.SustainableAtlanta.org for a public-private partnership of like efforts being undertaken in Atlanta.

The debate will begin at 6:45 p.m. There will be a meet and greet starting at 6 p.m. The debate will be moderated by Judge Stacey Hydrick of the State Court of DeKalb County and Dunwoody Patch Editor Peter Cox. Click here for Facebook Event Link