Dunwoody Village Discussion at July 1st Board Meeting

Source:  DHA Letter from President Adrienne Duncan to members

Dunwoody Village – The Future

 A big part of this month’s public meeting revolves around Dunwoody Village.

Crim & Associates have indicated that they will send a delegation to discuss their SLUP application for architectural changes to a possible restaurant at the corner of Mt. Vernon and Chamblee Dunwoody.  Crim is also creating a neighborhood-scale restaurant and retail center at Dunwoody Green.

The Dunwoody Village SLUP application is available on the City of Dunwoody website:  http://dunwoodyga.gov/ckeditorfiles/files/Community%20Development/RZ%20and%20SLUP%20Cases/App%20Upload.pdf 

Richard McLeod, Dunwoody’s Community Development Director and Michael Starling, Economic Development Director, have been tasked with exploring questions around how to update the Dunwoody Village Overlay District.  They will also be present to discuss what is involved in that kind of planning.


Candidates for Office:  please let DHA know if you would like to visit a meeting to introduce yourselves and leave literature.  Everyone will get a chance to speak in the order in which I see you in the room.

 The full meeting agenda:

Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors

Introduction of candidates for office

Approval of minutes from May Meeting

All Fore One School Fundraiser Presentation

Presentation by Richard McLeod & Michael Starling:
Recommendations for the Dunwoody Village Overlay District

Discussion: Crim & Associates SLUP application for overlay district variances

Discussion: Brook Run Park planning
(The current plans and feedback via “Connect Dunwoody” are available here:
https://www.opentownhall.com/portals/175/Issue_6301?admin_mode=off&cookies=detect&noembed=1 )

Board-Only Discussion & Votes

All Fore One funding

Position statement on Brook Run Park plans?

Position statement on Crim & Associates Dunwoody Village SLUP? 

 Time and Location:

North DeKalb Cultural Center
5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Room 4

7:30 PM