Aha! changes are forthcoming based on survey results!

First let me say thank you for the AMAZING response to the survey!   I received nearly 400 responses!

I want to remind everyone that the survey was sent in order to help me figure out what y’all want, how I can improve on efficiency, and how to make this a little bit profitable so that it makes it worth my time.     I used to do this for 20 or so friends…now there are HUNDREDS of you that I don’t even know!  I work full time and start a new project next week so I’m trying to make all these improvements FAST!

Here’s the scoop on the survey results from my short 5 question survey:


Results:   The majority of you like the current email format which is 0-5 emails per day with the subject clearly indicated so you can delete before reading if you aren’t interested.

Audra’s response: I’ll keep it this way but may consolidate similar messages from time to time if it’s easier and quicker for me.


Results:  The majority of you said you’d pay to post a listing- especially if you’re selling something.   MANY of you said you’d rather pay to be “on the list” than pay to post.

Audra’s response: I’m only going to start charging a small fee for GarAHA!ge sale listings and Real-Estate listings.   They take lots of time to organize and post graphics.  Plus….everyone posting these is making  a little money anyway!  I want all other postings to be free because I want to keep the information flowing.   I just don’t like the idea of being “bought” to post things.   I’ll still use my discretion and may or may not post things based solely on my discretion and trying to keep the emails at a reasonable number so you all will keep reading and enjoying!   I don’t plan to ever charge anyone to pay to be “on the list”.


Results: The majority of you DON’T know anyone willing to sponsor but many of you do.

Audra’s response:   I’ve been contacted by several people who want to be sponsors.   If you know of others who would be interested please email me.   I’ve developed a “Media Kit” that I can send them letting them know how we can help each other!   I can’t wait to introduce you to my first sponsor (Tender Gardens – I’m so excited about their new LOCAL business and I can’t wait to spread the word!!)   I’m not going to bore you with paid advertisements…I’ll just have a few local sponsors here and there.


Results:  Over 200 of you want a T-shirt and said you’d buy one for a fund raiser!

Audra’s response:   I have a fabulous T-shirt vendor who is also part of the Aha! Connection.   I have chosen a great women’s shirt and a plain beefy T for the men!  Cary Follis is working on a mock-up and I’ll be sending out an email taking pre-orders very soon!!   I need y’all to step up and buy some great shirts with my logo to help me pay my web designer!


Results:  I received 163 replies with various ideas and tons of praise for my little Aha! project.

Audra’s response: I’m overwhelmed and touched and surprised and thrilled and have enough new ideas to keep me busy for at least two years!!

Bottom line: Y’all are helping me have so much fun keeping you connected!!!   I’m going to launch a website this week and am nervous, excited, and scared about it!   Be gentle with me as I work out the kinks and stay tuned for the link to my new website which will be forthcoming as soon as I can get it as perfect as I can before sharing with all of you!!!