2019 Dunwoody Community Garden Master Gardener Edu-classes

Sessions are held on the following Saturdays from 11am-12pm in “the barn” at the DCGO greenhouse complex, opposite the skate park, at Brook Run. Free. Refreshments served.
January 12 – Companion Planting, Richard Osterholtz – How growing certain plants together can benefit all the plants, what to grown together and what not to grow together.
February 9 – Tomatoes, Richard Osterholtz – Hybrids vs. heirlooms, determinate vs. indeterminate, disease resistance and tomato growing tips.
March 9 – Soil Building, Ann Bone – Making luscious loam out of Georgia clay, understanding the soil-food web.
April 13 – Vegetable Gardening in Georgia, Tielke Baker – It may not be the same as where you moved from! Site selection, plant selection, soil preparation, cultivation and harvesting of veggies in our climate.
May 18 – Growing Food with Nature, Mike Fillon – Working with Mother Nature to grow food crops organically and easily.
June 8 – Pollinators, Cyndi McGill – What are pollinators and why do we need them? How to attract and shelter pollinators. Best plants to use to keep pollinators nearby and happy.
July 13 – Hot Weather Gardening Tips, Richard Osterholtz – How to keep your garden (and yourself) from frying during out dog days of summer.
August 10- Shade Gardening, Cyndi McGill – Native and recommended plantings for shade gardens. Includes a tour of the DCGO Shade Garden. Shade plants will be available for purchase.
September 14 – Cool Season Planting, Ann Bone – What and how to plant for the cool seasons. Fertilization and harvesting tips.
October 12 – Bees, Cindy Hodges – Beekeeping in Georgia. Come taste our Brook Run honey!
November 9 – Overwintering Plants, Art Simon – How to prep plants for overwintering indoors or in a greenhouse.

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