Join the Chip Nation today – help a local 13 YO fight a brain tumor

This young man (Chip Madren) is a 13-year old student at St. Francis. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor in August, and since that time has had very invasive surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, etc. and has a long road of recovery ahead of him. He has currently lost the ability to speak and swallow as well as many other functions. He is going through intensive therapy to regain these abilities. Although I don’t personally know this child, I feel like I’m getting to know him through his Caring Bridge site and from updates I hear from Dylan. His story has truly touched my heart in a deep way, and I know the good people of Dunwoody would be touched to hear of this incredible child’s journey as well. I don’t think he lives in Dunwoody, but he does live in the area and has many friends from our community. There is a clip on 11Alive about Chip as well as a link to his Caring Bridge site. If you feel it’s appropriate, would you mind sharing this with the AHA list so we can join forces with Chip’s Nation to pray for and support this precious boy and his family?

Thanks so much,
Heather Frost

DUNWOODY, GA — Two months ago, a healthy local seventh grader suddenly found himself fighting for his life. These days he’s still fighting — and he’s not alone.

Chip Madren can’t leave the hospital right now; he can’t even talk. He’s a 13-year-old for whom baseball and outdoor sports used to be favorite hobbies.

But then, far more pressing issues took precedence.

“This summer, he was having some balance issues and some double-vision,” recalled his aunt, Gerri DiCarlo. “Then they did an MRI, and they found that he had a tumor in his brain.”

Since then, Chip has been through surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation to get rid of the cancer inside him. The surgery was so invasive it took away his ability to speak. But the best news is that so far he is improving — diligent in his rehab and right on schedule with his recovery.

And then, there’s Chip’s Nation.

In the past few weeks, Chip’s story has traveled where Chip himself cannot. Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan came to visit him at the hospital. His classmates at the St. Jude School have bought bracelets supporting “Chip’s Nation”, a fund that has started to help pay for some of the extraordinary medical expenses facing the family.

On top of that, former Brave Bruce Benedict is donating the proceeds from the Benedict Baseball Academy to this spunky teenager.

“This is a great opportunity for the people in our community to do something for Chip,” Benedict said Monday. “And the money goes to Chip’s Nation Foundation and to his fund.”

Click here to visit Chip’s Caring Bridge page.